
Updated George Fox logo

The oval George Fox University logo (bottom) had some problems. It featured a stylized rendering of the Centennial clocktower, a landmark on campus, but many thought it looked like a bishop's mitre or a sailboat. The detailed shading lines and the tiny gold cross made reproduction problematic at small sizes and in low resolution applications (embroidery, website).

The logo had symbolic value in the tower with two sections joined by a cross, representing mind and spirit connected and centered around Christianity. So rather than design a new logo, we updated it to correct its flaws.

The updated logo (top) has started to appear online and on signage, and will gradually replace the old version.


Darryl Brown said...

That hand model needs to clean his fingernails.

Michael Richeson said...

The updated logo is so much nicer.

Mike said...

Much better!

Janelle said...

Clean fingernails, like a clean house, are a sign of a wasted life.