
118 Days book cover

A book cover for 118 Days about the Christian Peacemaker Teams hostage crisis in Iraq, edited by Tricia Gates Brown. Check it out. Endorsed by Desmond Tutu, Kathy Kelly, Daniel Berrigan and many others.

For the subtitle I used an old speech typewriter given to me by my friend David Brewer. It types in oversized text.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Darryl,

I've been doing part time promotion for 118 Days for CPT for the past month and a half and I have to say I think the professional grade cover has made a big difference in establishing the books credibility. Especially when I took it around to Chicago area bookstores. Thanks so much for your great work! I've enjoyed looking around your site and seeing some of the other great stuff you've done.

CPT Outreach Coordinator