
Dad in a baobab

My dad wrote a bunch of stories from his life and I designed a book of them that he could give to friends and relatives. For the cover I chose this cool photo taken soon after he arrived in Africa as a teenager with his parents. They were driving halfway up the continent in a custom pickup trailer built by my grandfather. That's Dad partway up a baobab tree, along with his mother and two missionary ladies who were traveling with them. Click to enlarge.


Imago Dei Ministries logo

A logo I designed for Imago Dei Ministries.

Rather than me explain the rationale behind this design,here's quote from the client about it:

"We love the sense of movement, transformation, hope, life, energy ... and the paradoxical element of being able to see it as going either direction - in one sense it moves from the tight spiral out into something new/alive, in another sense it can be seen as "parts" (of a person, a community, etc.) coming together and finding united focus/meaning in the center of the spiral. ... It leaves room for people to bring their own experience to it (see it as a tree/blossom, water, fire, or something else entirely - I can even see "dancers" in the leaves/flames), which is awesome. It is simple and bold, yet with lots of interesting details. It feels like "us," for sure."

Imago Dei also published Paradox Lost, for which I designed the cover.


Geez stamp poster

I have designed a bunch of stamps for the letters section of Geez magazine over the years, and decided to make a poster of them. They're in black and white for the magazine, so I had to add color. Click to enlarge.


Geez 29, the Persister issue

Geez issue 29 is the first one I did not design. I took a break, and Melody Morrissette guest-designed this issue, and did a great job. I especially like the cover, which spoofs typical women's magazines.