
Getting global with the George Fox Journal

Cover illustration I did for the new George Fox Journal. It's surprising to me that some people don't see the figures in the globe right away.

You can take a look at the whole issue here. (Click on the little magazine in the upper right to page through it.)


Geez 21 - cops and robbers

This issue of Geez magazine deals with the police, security, and surveillance. The cover is a photo of a stencil piece in the UK by the street artist d*base.


Taming of the Shrew

A poster I designed for an upcoming theatrical production at George Fox University. One unfortunate effect of the kittywampus layout is that it appears crooked no matter how it's hung.


Geez 21 postcard

The new issue of Geez magazine will hit the mailboxes soon; it has this postcard in it (click to enlarge), with this text on the back:

We are trees

What if we were more like trees, converting carbon
dioxide and releasing oxygen?

We live in a bite-back, one-up world where anger,
bitterness, resentment, prejudice and violence are
the soul’s carbon dioxide.

We could receive curses, then give blessings.
We could get manipulated, then speak the truth.
We could be spat upon, then respond with grace.
We could be struck, but not strike back.

The thing about trees is that they need to absorb
CO2 in order to live and grow.

We could do the same. We could absorb hate,
discrimination, judgment and harm, and use
forgiveness to demonstrate healing and love.

This would free us from having to avenge our own
injustices and allow us to open our arms, welcoming
those who are often unwelcome and unwanted.

Photosynthesis and forgiveness are miracles of life.
Without them, the world is a hostile place.

– Ryan McCormick