
Summer Journal

We just finished the summer issue of the George Fox Journal, with a cover story about football returning to the university in 2013. It seems strange to me to have football at a Quaker school, but it's been played here for much of the school's history, ending in the late 1960s.

You can check out the whole issue here.


Conservation magazine cover

Conservation magazine used this Adam and Eve illustration I'd done for the George Fox Journal for their latest issue; it's for this story.


Geez 18 stamps

In the Geez body issue, there are these "notes to bodily self" that I designed like postcards, and got to create some fun stamps for them. The notes are from Chronic Babe, a networking forum for women with chronic illness.

Geez 18, the body issue

The latest Geez magazine is the body issue, featuring an alternative swimsuit edition story that's sure to disappoint, a critique of the mind/body dichotomy, a fat acceptance primer, and a story called "Jesus loves your penis, son." Good stuff.


Geez wins Canadian Church Press awards

"After many years of taking second place to the United Church Observer, Geez magazine won top honours for general excellence at the Canadian Church Press convention in May this year. We received a total of six awards, including an additional first place award for layout and design of an issue. Way to go, Geez team!" – Aiden Enns, Geez editor. More here.