
Dust to dust

I saw this sign at the cemetery; it's in a glass case and is deteriorating in an interesting way, with fallen bits collecting in the bottom of the case.


George Fox signage quiz

I made this quiz to see if my coworkers at George Fox University could identify where these signs appeared on our campus. The winner got 17 out of 20.


Official Skee-Skate

I won this at a silent auction fundraiser for the Dundee skatepark; it's a very early skateboard, circa 1961. So it's an antique, just like me. Pretty cool, but a deathtrap to ride.


Geek t-shirt

This is one of my favorite t-shirts I've designed. It is given out at the engineering expo put on by the engineering department at George Fox University.
Credit for the headline goes to Sal Cusumano.